bookmark_borderNew project: PLANET-NL – Platform for Analysis of Large-Scale NETworks

As part of the NWO SSHOC-NL research infrastructure project (2024-2028), the Platform for Large-scale Analysis of NETworks (PLANET-NL) aims to develop tools and algorithms for analyzing large scale datasets with (digital) traces of socio-economic interaction. We develop disclosure risk-aware methods and tools specifically in the context of combining different social network data sources (micro data registers, demographic databases, social media, etc.) at different levels of, e.g., social and geographical aggregation. For more information about PLANET-NL, see the PLANET-NL website.

bookmark_borderNew Project on Anonymity in Networks

How anonymous is an individual in a social network, based on the structural position of this person in a network, as well as the person’s descriptive attributes? That’s the central question studied in the ANO-NET project, which runs from 2021 to 2025 and is jointly funded by Statistics Netherlands (CBS) and the Population-scale Social Network Analysis (POPNET) platform.

bookmark_borderTalk on Population-scale Social Network Analysis at IC2S2 2021

On July 30, I give a keynote talk at the 7th International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC2S2 2021) with the title “Population-scale Social Network Analysis”; describing some of the fundamental challenges in the recently started POPNET project, as well as some first early empirical results on the small-world structure of such networks. If you are interested, have a look at the slides of my IC2S2 2021 talk.

Also see the other contributions to the conference by my Leiden CNS group.

bookmark_borderNew project on Population Scale Social Network Analysis (POPNET)

In the coming 5 years, Statistics Netherlands (CBS), Leiden University and the University of Amsterdam (UvA) will work together on a project with the aim of doing population scale social network analysis. This entails not only cutting edge computational social science research into large-scale network data, but also necessary research infrastructure. The project is the result of a € 1M grant from the PDI-SSH initiative and aims to set up a community of researchers around the topic. Stay tuned for more information!

bookmark_borderNew project on Predicting Crime in Dark Web Forum Networks

A new 2-year project on the prediction will start on September 1, 2020 and is concerned with predicting crime from dark web forum networks. The project is a collaboration between the Dutch National Police as part of the “Politie en Wetenschap” funding scheme, Leiden University (Faculty of Law, Criminology and Faculty of Science, Computer Science).