bookmark_borderNew Project on Anonymity in Networks

How anonymous is an individual in a social network, based on the structural position of this person in a network, as well as the person’s descriptive attributes? That’s the central question studied in the ANO-NET project, which runs from 2021 to 2025 and is jointly funded by Statistics Netherlands (CBS) and the Population-scale Social Network Analysis (POPNET) platform.

bookmark_borderTalk on Population-scale Social Network Analysis at IC2S2 2021

On July 30, I give a keynote talk at the 7th International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC2S2 2021) with the title “Population-scale Social Network Analysis”; describing some of the fundamental challenges in the recently started POPNET project, as well as some first early empirical results on the small-world structure of such networks. If you are interested, have a look at the slides of my IC2S2 2021 talk.

Also see the other contributions to the conference by my Leiden CNS group.

bookmark_borderNew project on Population Scale Social Network Analysis (POPNET)

In the coming 5 years, Statistics Netherlands (CBS), Leiden University and the University of Amsterdam (UvA) will work together on a project with the aim of doing population scale social network analysis. This entails not only cutting edge computational social science research into large-scale network data, but also necessary research infrastructure. The project is the result of a € 1M grant from the PDI-SSH initiative and aims to set up a community of researchers around the topic. Stay tuned for more information!

bookmark_borderNew project on Predicting Crime in Dark Web Forum Networks

A new 2-year project on the prediction will start on September 1, 2020 and is concerned with predicting crime from dark web forum networks. The project is a collaboration between the Dutch National Police as part of the “Politie en Wetenschap” funding scheme, Leiden University (Faculty of Law, Criminology and Faculty of Science, Computer Science).