Elsevier’s Information Processing and Management Journal will feature a special issue on Social Network Mining. The deadline for submissions is October 15, 2018. Please consider submitting your original work on social network mining to this special issue. More information can be found at the special issue’s website.
Category: News
bookmark_borderWorkshop on Social Influence & Actionable Insights from Social Networks @IJCAI 2018
The Joint International Workshop on Social Influence Analysis and Mining Actionable Insights from Social Networks (SocInf/MAISoN 2018) will take place in July 2018 in Stockholm, Sweden. The workshop is part of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2018), which in turn is this year part of the Federated AI Meeting (FAIM 2018) featuring amongst others ECAI 2018 and ICML 2018.
bookmark_borderAlphaGo movie screening on March 8
On March 8, there will be an exclusive movie screening of the award-winning documentary AlphaGo. The program starts at 15:30 in lecture room 1 of the Science Campus (Gorlaeus Building, Einsteinweg 55, Leiden). The movie is made available to LIACS by Google, and apart from (Alpha)Go, provides relevant insight in innovative new techniques in Artificial Intelligence such as Deep Learning. The movie is followed by a Q&A session with colleague and AI expert Holger Hoos, as well as some drinks and snacks. Register here (free)
bookmark_borderNew project: eScience Pathfinder
As a product of the eScientist award from late 2017, research engineers Laurens Bogaardt and Dafne van Kuppevelt have joined the CORPNET group. During 2018, they will work on questions related to corporate network analysis and visualization. In particular, they will focus on board interlock networks and ownership networks in the context of offshore finance. Welcome Laurens and Dafne!
bookmark_borderNew project: Data-Driven Risk Assesment in Infrastructure Networks
A new 4-year project together with the inspectorate of the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water will focus on new data-driven methods for risk assessment, with the aim to for example better coordinate inspection efforts. As part of this project, PhD students Antonio Barata and Gerrit-Jan de Bruin will work at LIACS on data of amongst other things (networks of) water transportation and vehicle movement. Welcome Antonio and Gerrit-Jan!