
Below is an overview of my academic publications. Lists (though sometimes only partial) can also be found on the profile pages of the Leiden UniversitydblpORCID, and Google Scholar.

Preprints (under submission)

  1. O. Candogan, M. König, K. Marray and F.W. Takes, Network rewiring and spatial targeting: Optimal disease mitigation in multilayer social networks, BFI Working paper series UChicago, SSRN preprint 5106505, 2025.
  2. A. Ceria and F.W. Takes, The relevance of higher-order ties, arXiv preprint 2412.04584, 2024.
  3. H.D. Boekhout and F.W. Takes, Fast maximal clique enumeration in weighted temporal networks, arXiv preprint 2412.02434, 2024.
  4. N. Pisani, H.D. Boekhout, E.M. Heemskerk and F.W. Takes, China’s rise as global scientific powerhouse: A trajectory of international collaboration and specialization in high-impact research SSRN preprint 5014244, 2024.
  5. R.G. de Jong, M.P.J. van der Loo and F.W. Takes, The anonymization problem in social networks, arXiv preprint 2409.16163, 2024.
  6. R.G. de Jong, M.P.J. van der Loo and F.W. Takes, A systematic comparison of measures for k-anonymity in networks, arXiv preprint 2407.02290, 2024.
  7. Y. Kazmina, E.M. Heemskerk, E. Bokányi, F.W. Takes, From Contact to Threat: A Social Network Perspective on Perceptions of Immigration, arXiv preprint 2407.06820, 2024.
  8. S. Mannion, P. MacCarron, H.D. Boekhout, A. Saxena and F.W. Takes, Fast degree-preserving rewiring of complex networks, arXiv preprint 2401.12047, 2024.
  9. H.D. Boekhout, A.A.J. Blokland and F.W. Takes, A large-scale longitudinal structured dataset of the dark web cryptomarket Evolution (2014-2015), arXiv preprint 2311.11878, 2023.
  10. C.E.S. Mattsson, A. Luedtke and F.W. Takes, Holding periods: Measuring the inverse of money velocity from transaction recordsarXiv preprint 2207.01512, 2022.
  11. Publications (refereed)

  12. M. Menyhért, E. Bokányi, R. Corten, E.M. Heemskerk, Y. Kazmina, F.W. Takes, Connectivity and Community Structure of Online and Register-based Social Networks, EPJ Data Science 14: 8, 2025.

  13. H.D. Boekhout, A.A.J. Blokland and F.W Takes, Early warning signals for predicting cryptomarket vendor success using dark net forum networksScientific Reports 14: 16336, Nature Publishing Group, 2024.
  14. Y. Chen, F.W. Takes, F.J. Verbeek and K.J. Wolstencroft, Exploring the Evolution of the Gene Ontology and its Impact on Enrichment Analysis, in Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Biomedical Ontologies (ICBO), CEUR Workshop Proceedings 3939: paper 2, 2024.
  15. T. Dieles, C.E.S. Mattsson and F.W. Takes, Identifying Successful Football Teams in the European Player Transfer NetworkApplied Network Science 9: article 65, Springer, 2024.
  16. R.G. de Jong, M.P.J. van der Loo and F.W. Takes, The effect of distant connections on node anonymity in complex networks, Scientific Reports 14: 1156, Nature Publishing Group, 2024.
  17. Y. Kazmina, E. Bokányi, E.M. Heemskerk and F.W. Takes, Socio-economic Segregation in a Population-Scale Social NetworkSocial Networks 78: 279-291, Elsevier, 2024.

  18. A.P. Barata, G.J. de Bruin, H.J. van den Herik, F.W. Takes and C.J. Veenman, Fair Tree Classifier using Strong Demographic ParityMachine Learning 113: 3305–3324, Springer, 2023.
  19. E. Bokányi, E.M. Heemskerk and F.W. Takes, The anatomy of a population-scale social networkScientific Reports 13: 9209, Nature Publishing Group, 2023.
  20. R.G. de Jong, M.P.J. van der Loo and F.W. Takes, Algorithms for Efficiently Computing Structural Anonymity in Complex Networks, ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics 28: 1-22, ACM, 2023.
  21. C.E.S. Mattsson, T. Criscione and F.W. Takes, Circulation of a digital community currency, Scientific Reports 13: 5864, Nature Publishing Group, 2023.
  22. M. McNeil, C.E.S. Mattsson, F.W. Takes and P. Bogdanov, CADENCE: Community-Aware Detection of Dynamic Network States, in Proceedings of the SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM), pp. 1-9, SIAM, 2023.
  23. E. Sánchez-Olivares, H.D. Boekhout, A. Saxena and F.W. Takes, A framework for empirically evaluating pretrained link prediction models, in Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Complex Networks, Studies in Computational Intelligence 1144, pp. 150-161, Springer, 2023.

  24. G.G. Brinkmann, K.F.D. Rietveld, F.J. Verbeek and F.W. Takes, Real-time interactive visualization of large networks on a tiled display system, Displays 73: 102164, Elsevier, 2022.
  25. G.J. de Bruin, A.P. Barata, H.J. van den Herik F.W. Takes and C.J. Veenman, Fair automated assessment of noncompliance in cargo ship networks, EPJ Data Science 11: 13, Springer, 2022.
  26. S. Fajardo, H.C.M. Kleijn, F.W. Takes and G.H.J. Langejans, Modelling and measuring complexity of traditional and ancient technologies using Petri nets, PLOS ONE, 17(11): e0278310, 2022.
  27. A. Nadiri and F.W. Takes, A large-scale temporal analysis of user lifespan durability on the Reddit social media platform, in Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Web Conference (TheWebConf) Workshops, pp. 577-685, ACM, 2022.
  28. D. Valeeva, F.W. Takes and E.M. Heemskerk, Beaten paths towards the transnational corporate elite, International Sociology, 37(1): 97-123, SAGE, 2022.
  29. M. Zdiarski, E.M. Heemskerk, J. Garcia-Bernardo, F. de Beule, A. Jaklič, S. Elia and F.W. Takes, Proximity at a distance: The relationship between foreign subsidiary co-location and MNC headquarters board interlock formation, International Business Review 31(4): 101971, Elsevier, 2022.

  30. H.D. Boekhout, E.M. Heemskerk and F.W. Takes, Evolution of the World Stage of Global Science from a Scientific City Network Perspective, in Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Complex Networks, Studies in Computational Intelligence 1015, pp. 142-154, Springer, 2021.
  31. H.D. Boekhout, V.A. Traag and F.W. Takes, Investigating scientific mobility in co-authorship networks using multilayer temporal motifs, Network Science 9(3): 354-386, Cambridge University Press, 2021.
  32. G.J. de Bruin, C.J. Veenman, H.J. van den Herik and F.W. Takes, Supervised temporal link prediction in large-scale real-world networks, Social Network Analysis and Mining 11: 80, Springer, 2021.
  33. D.E. van Kuppevelt, R. Bakshi, E.M. Heemskerk, F.W. Takes, Community membership consistency applied to corporate board interlock networksJournal of Computational Social Science 5: 841-860, Springer, 2021.
  34. C.E.S. Mattsson and F.W. Takes, Trajectories through Temporal Networks, Applied Network Science 6: 35, Springer, 2021.
  35. C.E.S. Mattsson, F.W. Takes, E.M. Heemskerk, C.G.H. Diks, G. Buiten, A. Faber and P.M.A. Sloot, Functional structure in production networks, Frontiers in Big Data 4, article 23, 2021.
  36. Q.A. Meertens, C.G.H. Diks, H.J. van den Herik and F.W. Takes, Improving the output quality of official statistics based on machine learning algorithmsJournal of Official Statistics 38(2): 485-508, 2021.

  37. M.N. Angenent, A.P. Barata and F.W. Takes, Large-Scale Machine Learning for Business Sector Prediction, in Proceedings of the 35th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), pp. 1143-1146, ACM, 2020.
  38. C. Anutariya, et al., F.W. Takes, et al., Building a Needs-based Curriculum in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence: Case Studies in Indonesia, Sri Lanka, and Thailand, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Active Learning in Engineering Education (PAEE/ALE’), pp. 97-104, 2020.
  39. A.P. Barata, F.W. Takes, H.J. van den Herik, and C.J. Veenman, The eXPose Approach to Crosslier Detection in Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), pp. 1051-4651, IEEE, 2020.
  40. M. Barbouch, F.W. Takes and S. Verberne, Combining Language Models and Network Features for Relevance-based Tweet Classification, in Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Social Informatics (SocInfo), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12467: 15-27, Springer, 2020.
  41. G.J. de Bruin, C.J. Veenman, H.J. van den Herik and F.W. Takes, Experimental Evaluation of Train and Test Split Strategies in Link Prediction, in Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Complex Networks, Studies in Computational Intelligence 882: 79-91, Springer, 2020.
  42. Q.A. Meertens, C.G.H. Diks, H.J. van den Herik and F.W. Takes, A Data-Driven Supply-Side Approach for Measuring Cross-Border Internet Purchases, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society 183(1): 61-90, Wiley, 2020.
  43. R. Suryadikara , F.W. Takes and S. Verberne, False News Classification and Dissemination: The case of the 2019 Indonesian Presidential Election, in Proceedings of ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM) Workshops, CEUR volume 2699, paper 37, 2020.
  44. D. Valeeva, F.W. Takes and E.M. Heemskerk, The duality of firms and directors in board interlock networks: A relational event modeling approach, Social Networks 62: 68-79, Elsevier, 2020.

  45. A.P. Barata, F.W. Takes, H.J. van den Herik, and C.J. Veenman, Imputation Methods Outperform Missing-Indicator for Data Missing Completely at Random, in Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM) Workshops, pp. 407-414, IEEE, 2019.
  46. H.D. Boekhout, W.A. Kosters and F.W. Takes, Efficiently Counting Complex Multilayer Temporal Motifs in Large-Scale Networks, Computational Social Networks 6: 8, Springer, 2019.
  47. G.J. de Bruin, C.J. Veenman, H.J. van den Herik and F.W. Takes, Understanding dynamics of truck co-driving networks, in Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Complex Networks, Studies in Computational Intelligence 882, pp. 140-151, Springer, 2019.
  48. Q.A. Meertens, C.G.H. Diks, H.J. van den Herik and F.W. Takes, A Bayesian Approach for Accurate Classification-Based Aggregates, in Proceedings of the SIAM Conference on Data Mining (SDM), pp. 306-314, SIAM, 2019.
  49. K.L. Putman, H.D. Boekhout and F.W. Takes, Fast Incremental Computation of Harmonic Closeness Centrality in Directed Weighted Networks, in Proceedings of the 11th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Network Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), pp. 1018-1025, ACM, 2019.
  50. J.N. van Rijn, F.W. Takes and J.K. Vis, Computing and Predicting Winning Hands in the Trick-Taking Game of Klaverjas, in Proceedings of the 30th Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence (BNAIC 2018), Communications in Computer and Information Science 1021, pp. 106-120, Springer, 2019.

  51. H.D. Boekhout, W.A. Kosters and F.W. Takes, Counting Multilayer Temporal Motifs in Complex Networks, in Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Complex Networks, Studies in Computational Intelligence 815: 565-577, Springer, 2018.
  52. L. Bogaardt and F. W. Takes, Estimating Subgraph Generation Models to Understand Large Network Formation, in Proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Conference on e-Science, pp. 375-376, IEEE, 2018.
  53. G.J. de Bruin, C.J. Veenman, H.J. van den Herik and F.W. Takes, Understanding behavorial patterns in truck co-driving networks, in Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Complex Networks, Studies in Computational Intelligence 813: 223-235, Springer, 2018.
  54. J.E. van Engelen, J.J. van Lier, F.W. Takes and H. Trautmann, Accurate WiFi based indoor positioning with continuous location sampling, in Proceedings of the European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Database (ECML/PKDD), Lecture Notes in Artifical Intelligence 11053: 1-17, Springer, 2018.
  55. A.P. Fonhof, M. van der Bruggen and F.W. Takes, Characterizing key players in child exploitation networks on the dark net, in Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Complex Networks, Studies in Computational Intelligence 813: 412-423, Springer, 2018.
  56. J. Garcia-Bernardo and F.W. Takes, The Effects of Data Quality on the Analysis of Corporate Board Interlock NetworksInformation Systems 78: 164-172, Elsevier, 2018.
  57. T.J. Helling, J. Scholtes and F.W. Takes, A community-aware approach for identifying node anomalies in complex networks, in Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Complex Networks, Studies in Computational Intelligence 815: 244-255, Springer, 2018.
  58. D.E. van Kuppevelt, F. W. Takes, E.M. Heemskerk, Understanding evolving communities in transnational board interlock networks, in Proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Conference on e-Science, pp. 312-313, IEEE, 2018.
  59. A. Pereira Barata, G.J. de Bruin, F.W. Takes, H.J. van den Herik and C.J. Veenman, Finding Anomalies in Waste Transportation Data with Supervised Category Models, in Proceedings of the 27th Belgian Dutch Conference on Machine Learning, 15 pages, 2018.
  60. X. Rademaker, M.R.V. Chaudron and F.W. Takes, Automatic identification of component roles in software design networks, in Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Complex Networks, Studies in Computational Intelligence 813: 145-157, Springer, 2018.
  61. F.W. Takes, W.A. Kosters, B. Witte and E.M. HeemskerkMultiplex Network Motifs as Building Blocks of Corporate NetworksApplied Network Science 3: 39Springer, 2018.

  62. F.W. Takes, W.A. Kosters and B. Witte, Detecting motifs in Multiplex Corporate Networks, in Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Complex Networks, Studies in Computational Intelligence 642: 502-515, Springer, 2017.
  63. J. Garcia-Bernardo, J. Fichtner, F.W. Takes and E.M. HeemskerkUncovering Offshore Financial Centers: Conduits and Sinks in the Global Corporate Ownership NetworkScientific Reports 7, article 6246, Nature Publishing Group, 2017.
  64. E.M. Heemskerk, K. Young, F.W. Takes, B. Cronin, J. Garcia-Bernardo, V. Popov, W.K. Winecoff, L.F. Henriksen, and A. Laurin-Lamonthe, The promise and perils of using big data in the study of corporate networks: Problems, diagnostics and fixesGlobal Networks 18(1): 3-22, Wiley, 2017.
  65. M. Zdiarski, E.M. Heemskerk, J. Garcia-Bernardo, F. de Beule, A. Jaklič, S. Elia and F.W. Takes, The power of proximity at a distance: The role of interlocking directorates in reducing the liability of outsidership, in International Business in the Information Age, pp. 1-36, 2017.
  66. G.G. Brinkmann, K.F.D. Rietveld and F.W. Takes, Exploiting GPUs for fast force-directed visualization of large-scale networks, in Proceedings of the 46th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), pp. 382-391, IEEE, 2017.

  67. E.M. Heemskerk, F.W. Takes, J. Garcia-Bernardo and M.J. Huijzer, Where is the global corporate elite? A large-scale network study of local and nonlocal interlocking directoratesSociologica 2016(2): 1-31, 2016.
  68. F.W. Takes and E.M. Heemskerk, Centrality in the Global Network of Corporate ControlSocial Network Analysis and Mining 6(1): article 97, Springer, 2016.
  69. J.E. van Engelen, H.D. Boekhout and F.W. Takes, Explainable and Efficient Link Prediction in Real-World Network Data, in Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis (IDA 2016), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9897: 295-307, Springer, 2016.
  70. E.M. Heemskerk and F.W. Takes, The Corporate Elite Community Structure of Global Capitalism, New Political Economy 21(1): 90-118, Taylor & Francis, 2016.

  71. M. BorassiP. CrescenziM. HabibW.A. Kosters, A. Marino and F.W. Takes, Fast Graph Diameter and Radius BFS-Based Computation in (Weakly Connected) Real-World GraphsTheoretical Computer Science 586: 59-80, Elsevier, 2015.
  72. J.N. van Rijn, F.W. Takes and J.K. Vis, The Complexity of Rummikub Problems, in Proceedings of the 27th Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence (BNAIC 2015), 8 pages, 2015.

  73. F.W. Takes and W.A. KostersAdaptive Landmark Selection Strategies for Fast Shortest Path Computation in Large Real-World Graphs, in Proceedings of the 13th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI 2014), pp. 27-34, IEEE, 2014.
  74. M. BorassiP. CrescenziM. HabibW.A. Kosters, A. Marino and F.W. Takes, On the Solvability of the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon Game – A Faster Graph Diameter and Radius Computation Method, in Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Fun with Algorithms (FUN 2014), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8496: 52-63, Springer, 2014.
  75. G.H. DalW.A. Kosters and F.W. Takes, Fast Diameter Computation of Large Sparse Graphs using GPUs, in Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and network-based Processing (PDP 2014), pp. 632-639, IEEE, 2014.
  76. F.W. Takes and W.A. KostersMining User-Generated Path Traversal Patterns in an Information Network, in Proceedings of the 12th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI 2013), pp. 284-289, IEEE, 2013.
  77. F.W. Takes and W.A. KostersComputing the Eccentricity Distribution of Large GraphsAlgorithms 6(1): 100-118, 2013.
  78. P.D. Kusuma, D. Radosavljevic, F.W. Takes and P. van der PuttenCombining Customer Attributes and Social Network Mining for Prepaid Mobile Churn Prediction, in Proceedings of the 22nd Belgian Dutch Conference on Machine Learning, pp. 50-58, 2013.
  79. M. Luiten, W.A. Kosters and F.W. Takes, Topical Influence on Twitter: A Feature Construction Approach, in Proceedings of the 24th Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence (BNAIC 2012), pp. 139-146, 2012.
  80. F.W. Takes and W.A. KostersThe Difficulty of Path Traversal in Information Networks, in Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR 2012), pp. 138-144, 2012.
  81. F.W. Takes and W.A. KostersDetermining the Diameter of Small World Networks, in Proceedings of the 20th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2011), pp. 1191-1196, ACM, 2011.
  82. F.W. Takes and W.A. KostersIdentifying Prominent Actors in Online Social Networks using Biased Random Walks, in Proceedings of the 23rd Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence (BNAIC 2011), pp. 215-222, 2011.
  83. A.M. Kentsch, W.A. KostersP. van der Putten and F.W. Takes, Exploratory Recommendations using Wikipedia’s Linking Structure, in Proceedings of the 20th Belgian Dutch Conference on Machine Learning, pp. 61-68, 2011.
  84. F.W. Takes and W.A. KostersApplying Monte Carlo Techniques to the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem, in Proceedings of the 22nd Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence (BNAIC 2010), 8 pages, 2010.
  85. F.W. Takes and W.A. KostersSolving SameGame and its Chessboard Variant, in Proceedings of the 21st Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence (BNAIC 2009), pp. 249-256, 2009.

    Editorials / edited volumes / proceedings / books

  86. M. Baratchi, L. Cao, W.A. Kosters, J. Lijffijt, J.N. van Rijn and F.W. Takes, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, 32nd Benelux Conference, BNAIC/Benelearn 2020 (edited volume / conference proceedings), Communications in Computer and Information Science 1398, Springer, 2021.
  87. M. van Duijn, M. Preuss, V. Spaiser, F.W. Takes and S. Verberne, Disinformation in Open Online Media, Second Multidisciplinary International Symposium, MISDOOM 2020 (edited volume / conference proceedings), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12259, Springer, 2020.
  88. M.G. Armentano, E. Bagheri, J. Kiseleva and F.W. Takes, Foreword to the special issue on mining actionable insights from online user generated content (guest editorial), Information Retrieval Journal 24: 473-474, Springer, 2020.
  89. C. Grimme, M. Preuss, F.W. Takes and A. Waldherr, Disinformation in Open Online Media, First Multidisciplinary International Symposium, MISDOOM 2019 (edited volume / conference proceedings), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12021, Springer, 2019.
  90. M.G. Armentano, E. Bagheri, J. Kiseleva and F.W. Takes, MAISoN 2019: The 3rd International Workshop on Mining Actionable Insights from Social Networks (workshop proceedings), in Proceedings of the 9th ACM SIGIR International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval (ICTIR), pp. 260-261, ACM, 2019.
  91. M.G. Armentano, E. Bagheri, F.W. Takes and V. Yannibelli, Foreword to the special issue on mining actionable insights from social networks (guest editorial), Information Processing & Management, article 102171, Elsevier, 2019.
  92. F.W. Takes, Algorithms for Analyzing and Mining Real-World GraphsPhD Thesis, Leiden University, 2014.

    Non-refereed / other

  93. F. Bortolussi, Z. Hoogeboom and F.W. Takes, Computing Minimum Weight Cycles to Leverage Mispricings in Cryptocurrency Market Networks, arXiv 1807.05715, 2018.
  94. J. Garcia-Bernardo, J. Fichtner, F.W. Takes and E.M. Heemskerk, Sinks and Conduits: Identifying Offshore Financial Centers by using Big Data, IFC Review, Economic Report 2017/18: 61-63, 2017.
  95. F.W. Takes, Topology and Community Structure of the Global System of Corporate ControlEureka! Magazine 14(54): 20-23, 2016.
  96. F.W. Takes, Afstanden in Online Sociale NetwerkenEureka! Magazine 9(33): 8-11, 2011.
  97. F.W. Takes, Sokoban: Reversed Solving, in Proceedings of the 2nd NSVKI Student Conference, pp. 31-36, 2008.